It's wonderful to create magic in the air with lit candles during this time on the dining table. The soft glow and the mild scent of the candle gives a soothing effect when you are in a crowded table or when you are just two. Just brought in the candle mood to this table by lighting few of them. It's a simple table with white wares and few greens. Hope you like this creation of mine.
It is wonderful to see the beautiful spring table posts in everyone's blogs. It's a delight to see the soothing greens, the pretty pinks, the cheerful yellow flowers dominate the sce nes , with cute bunnies hopping around.. :):) I have created a tea scape here with beautiful mini cups & a little g reen touch added to show spring is here to say hello to us .. T hese beautiful cups and saucers were a gift from my long time friend Padmini with whom I have shared fun and laughter through the years. Friendship's a fantastic feeling when you share it with fantastic friends. T here are also so many beautiful friends I found in blog land too and I am thankful to each and everyone for their love. M y thanks to Aly cia Nic hols who enjoys seeing the work of various bloggers from aro un d the world and mentioned my blog in her recen t po st Moss & Manzanita s . ...
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