Created a table with touch of colour Brown. Brown one of the colour for Fall. Fall is for earthy tones and Pantone says the colour for Autumn/Winter 2024 /2025 as ' infused with an inherent richness and earthiness that highlights our deeper connection to nature. The Fall colours consists of warm tones derived from natural pigments, opulent mid tones , accessible neutrals and universals greens characterised by a mix of elegance and practicality. Few colours for the season... Tomato cream, scarlet Red, Golden Palm, Red orange, Raw umber and Buck thorn Brown, mustard yellow, deep Burgundy, charcoal Grey and much more to add. Enjoy your season with Fall colours by adding up to your interior or table styling or to your fashion.
It is wonderful to see the beautiful spring table posts in everyone's blogs. It's a delight to see the soothing greens, the pretty pinks, the cheerful yellow flowers dominate the sce nes , with cute bunnies hopping around.. :):) I have created a tea scape here with beautiful mini cups & a little g reen touch added to show spring is here to say hello to us .. T hese beautiful cups and saucers were a gift from my long time friend Padmini with whom I have shared fun and laughter through the years. Friendship's a fantastic feeling when you share it with fantastic friends. T here are also so many beautiful friends I found in blog land too and I am thankful to each and everyone for their love. M y thanks to Aly cia Nic hols who enjoys seeing the work of various bloggers from aro un d the world and mentioned my blog in her recen t po st Moss & Manzanita s . ...
I love those cups! At first I thought they came with saucers, but I see that you used coasters, and I love that overall look. Very pretty.